wherein they were discussing their fear of attack by strange men: they expected their husbands to protect

them from any such hazard.


An interesting facet turned up was the conflict between what the women said in interview as opposed to what was shown by test. One conflict shown was that some of the homosexual women said they disliked men very much; but thoir tests did not bear this feeling out. One of the tests was to draw a picture of a man and of a woman. In the control group the general rule was well-drawn women and rather feminine looking men. In the homosexual group thero wore two sets: those who drew very masculine looking men and only slightly less masculine looking women, and those who drew very feminine looking women and only slightly less feminine looking men. This might mean a number of things, according to Dr. Armon. It might mean that a person tends to identify with himself and therefore to draw even the opposite sex to look like himself. Regarding No. 4 on sexual confusion in the homosexual woman: While the statistical answer was "yes" the truth, Dr. Armon felt, was not so simple. In the homosexual group there was disturbance and the most extreme examples came from it. About one-third gave disturbed drawings, but a wide range was covered therein. On the other hand, of the two-thirds left, some of the best drawings of both groups cam from the homosexual wo men. It loft Dr. Armon to wonder what was significant. Regarding the homosexual interviews, she was left with the human understanding that in the light of tho se people's backgrounds the ro was hardly any route left for them to travel. Regarding the tests and statistical analyses, she was not given as much insight and understanding.

In the Rorschach tests both groups saw unreal people; no significant difference. There were paranoic tendencies found in both groups, but not more in one than in the other. Color reactivity in the Rorschach tests were much higher in the control group than in the homosexual group. A high rating on this test usually means that the person involved has a high degree of emotional freedom and spontaneity. This finding has a number of interpretati ons. One may be that homosexual women, because of their positi on in society, early learn to guard their reactions. Or, it may mean that since many homosexual women affect